

机器损坏险保险合同,中英文对照,WORD格式,共4页。 本投保单由投保人尽可能如实地、详细地填写并签章后作为向本公司投保机器损坏险的 依据。本投保单为该机器损坏险保险单的组成部分。 The Applicant is required to fill in the following items with utmost faith and as detailed as po sible. and affix signature to this application, which shall be the basis of application to the Company for Machinery Breakdown Insurance and constitute an integral part of the Machinery Breakdown Insurance Policy. 1.被保险人名称和地址Name and Address of the Insured: 2.营业性质Nature of Business:
3.被保险机器所在地Location of Machinery to be Insured:

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